Our people
Principal Investigator

Dr Misha Vorobyev
Senior Lecturer
Dr Misha Vorobyev
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, USSR Academy of Science; Master in Physics, Leningrad State University, USSR
Since 1993 Dr Vorobyev is working in the field of ecology of vision. Dr Vorobyev’s work has attracted over 11,300 citations (h index – 48, 25 papers cited over 100 times each, google scholar).
Contact Dr Misha Vorobyev:
Address: Building 503, Room 369, 85 Park Rd, Grafton, Auckland
Phone: +021 70 8441
Fax: +64 9 373 7058
Email: m.vorobyev@auckland.ac.nz
Other researchers

Luis Nahmad-Rohen
Research fellow.
Project: Colour blind camouflage in octopus

Suroma Nag
PhD student
Project: monocular stereopsis in mantis shrimp

Ruonan Shen
Master’s student
Project: Colours and emotions

Saara Asarudheen
PhD student
Project: Colours and emotions

Melissa Hargreaves
Master’s student
Project: monocular stereopsis in mantis shrimp
1. Colours and emotions: Frederick Sundram (Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland).
2. Monocular stereopsis in mantis shrimp: Richard Taylor (Marine Science Institute, University of Auckland), Justin Marshall (University of Queensland, Australia), Tom Cronin (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)
3. Colour blind camouflage in octopus: Stefan Spreitzenbarth (Marine Science Institute, University of Auckland)
4. Flower colours in relation to pollinator vision: Jaime Martinez-Harms (Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chille), Natalie Hempel de Ibarra (University of Exeter, UK), Randolf Menzel (Free University, Berlin, Germany)
5. Information theory and evolution of colour vision: David Foster (University of Manchester, UK)
6. Bycatch reduction by illuminating fishing gear and adjusting its colour: Steven and Christine Connor (Waikawa Fishing, Picton), Domjan Talijancich (Dante Fishing and Advanced Conservation Solutions, Motueka), Andrew Jeffs (Marine Science Institute, University of Auckland), Sonke Johnsen (Duke University, USA), Shoji Kawamura (University of Tokyo), Megan Porter (University of Hawaiʻi), Jan Hemmi (University of Western Australia), Victor Benno Meyer-Rochow (University of Oulu, Finland), Peter Hadden (Health NZ Te Whatu Ora)