Ecology of Colour Vision Lab
The main theme of Misha Vorobyev’s research is the relationship between colour vision systems and visible environment. To understand the ecological significance of diversity of colour vision systems, Misha Vorobyev combines mathematical modelling, psychophysics and behaviour with measuring spectra of biologically important objects, such as flowers, fruits, birds’ plumage and fish skin. Misha Vorobyev’s research has attracted over 11,400 citations (h-index: 49, 25 papers are cited over 100 times each, Google Scholar).
Current projects:
1. Colours and emotions
2. Strike accuracy and monocular stereopsis in mantis shrimp. A fully funded PhD position is available.
3. Colour blind camouflage in octopus
4. Flower colours in relation to pollinator vision
5. Information theory and evolution of colour vision
6. Bycatch reduction by illuminating fishing gear and adjusting its colour

Misha Vorobyev and Picasso triggerfish